STORY - Singleton and Varcoe

Artist: Pauline Nampijinpa Singleton 

This particular site of the Yankirri Jukurpa, (emu dreaming) is at Ngarlikurlangu, north of Yuendumu. The 'yankirri' travelled to the rockhole at Ngarlikurlangu to find water. Emus are usually represented by their 'wirliya' (footprints), arrow-like shapes that show them walking around eating 'yakajirri' (bush raisin).

Artist: Cedric Varcoe 

This is Molyewongk - half man, half fish that lives in the water ways in Ngarrindjeri country. His home is in the many shelter caves along the banks of the river and lakes as well as under water. You must stay away from his sites. He would take you if you go anywhere where near his places and will take children if they go there.