Introducing “Winyarr Mulana”, a new collection created in collaboration with Yorta Yorta artist Alkina Edwards. This campaign celebrates the endless contribution of women to our society, and their central role as leaders of our community. Passing on knowledge and the importance of Country on every family. That’s why the name of this campaign is “Winyarr Mulana”, which translates to “Woman Spirit” in Yorta Yorta language. Be a part of empowering the role of women in your community with this inspirational collection!


Alkina Edwards

Alkina is from a small country town called Echuca (Yorta Yorta Country) but has just recently moved to Shepparton with her fiancé. She has always been passionate about creating all sorts of artwork, but her love has always been in cultural art.

“I’ve always loved seeing the Aboriginal Artwork showcases on their merchandise and seeing Indigenous Models wear their clothing has always warmed my heart. I remember years ago before I wanted to step into the art career space I wish I could have my art represented like this and now that’s coming true.”

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Behind the Collection

Take a journey from the city to the Country with Barkindji artist Caitlyn Davies-Plummer’s gorgeous collection of sustainable polos. 


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“All of the paintings for this collection explore my connection to Country and how I’ve built up my connection over the last 10 plus years. It explores the colours I see on Country and how I feel when I’m back there. I just really hope that anyone who wears this collection, feels pride in wearing it and is able to start conversations with others. I love the energy and colours I’ve used in all these paintings and I just hope it makes people happy to be able to wear them.”

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