STORY - Walu-ma-rra
Walu-ma-rra means to be a guardian, protect. This painting is very special to me. It has my totem maliyan (the wedgetail eagle) and represents our beautiful country and the importance of protection.
The wedgetail eagle is very significant and it brings healing to our people and has an important specific meaning for many of our people. The strength and beauty the wedgetail eagle represent makes it perfect for this design.
In the painting the maliyan represents the guardian of our land. This year's NAIDOC theme “Heal Country” calls for all of us to continue to seek better protection for our land, our waters, sacred sites and our cultural traditions from exploitation, desecration and destruction.
Since colonisation so much has impacted our land, animals and our culture. Land clearing, urban development, change in traditional fire management, farming and pollution to name a few. These all have a significant impact on our ecosystems through destruction of our native plants and animals.
We have lost so much already and it is time we changed. Our land and animals are our culture and by having the land destroyed, our sacred sites will be gone forever. We can all work together as Australians to be guardians and protect our lands and culture.