Celebration Ballpoint Pen

  • $2.5M+ to Indigenous Community, Staff & Training
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These colourful pens make great gifts for those creative people in your life or as the perfect addition to your office with unique and vibrant art. Featuring wrap-around artwork and a removable lid.

Each black ink pen features a gorgeous piece of artwork from talented First Nations artists around Australia. 

Product: Printed Pen with lid and clip
Materials: Plastic body ballpoint pen with blank ink
Story: Celebration 
Artist: Alkina Edwards


This design represents people from all nations coming together to celebrate our beautiful cultures. With all our elders surrounded watching the next generation grow with strong identities while they practice culture, dance, language, art and story telling.

Alkina Edwards

Yorta Yorta Woman

“I’ve always loved seeing the Aboriginal Artwork showcases on their merchandise and seeing Indigenous Models wear their clothin... Learn more